IPCEPhotoelectric spectrometer for quantum efficiency measurement
IPCEPhotoelectric spectrometer for quantum efficiency measurement
system introduction
Optoelectronic spectrometers can be used as a scientific tool to
analyze the optoelectronic characteristics (photocurrent, photovoltage) of wide band semiconductors. These semiconductors are illuminated by relatively strong light in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared ranges as a function of incident light wavelength. For many, similar to sunlight we offer the application of air filters. These filters modify the spectral output of arc lamps to simulate natural sunlight conditions.
Because the reflector completely reflects the bulb, the setup efficiency is very high: up to 70% of the emitted radiation is captured by the reflector and pointed towards the illuminated sample
The device also offers three types of stabilization: current, electrical power, and light intensity stabilization-the last mode helps the long-term (hours) stability of the output beam
It also reduces the warm-up time to about 3 minutes, compared to the current stabilization time of 30 minutes or more
The advanced software of the spectrometer can directly record the photocurrent action spectrum, photovoltage action spectrum, and the potentiodynamic and electrokinetic measurements at constant wavelengths in CW and pulse modes. It also provides the ratio of incident photons to converted electrons (IPCE) as a function of wavelength and bias potential.
In addition, the device can be coupled with other detectors, including Kelvin probes, conductivity probes, etc.
The controller is responsible for emitting light wavelength, exposure time, proper light edge filter processing and synchronization with the potentiostat.
The monochromator is equipped with two switchable gratings to cover a wide spectrum evenly.
In most spectral ranges, the optical power exceeds 10mW / cm2.
Light source: Xe 150 W, water-cooled, low EM
Stable mode: current stable (<1%), stable power consumption and stable light intensity mode, which can maintain a constant sample illumination during the experiment.
Two encoder systems: 1200gr / mm
Maximum optical power density: 35mW / cm2
Edge (longpass) filters: 400 nm and 510 nm
Can configure up to 6 filters
Number of I / O programmable TTL lines for synchronization with external devices: 16
connection:USB 2.0