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Continuum laser
Continuum laser BRaMMS-Duetto – 355 or 266 - from 10mW to 100mW output power at 355nm SLM - from 10mW to 50mW output power at 266nm SLM - feedback locked Single Longitudinal Mode CW operation mode hops and lock loss free - very low noise performance, < 0.5% rms - excellent beam quality from smallest footprint - lowest power consumption for given output Key Features:- 405/458/473/532/1064nm output, - TEM00, SLM- Constant Power Control- Remote control- TTL Modulation - ESD protection- Plug & Play- Low NoiseLight-emitting diode LED
Nd:YAG Laser
Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG Laser Laser-Pumped Nd:YAG Laser