SCIEX 4500 Series Click image to view full size

SCIEX 4500 Series


SCIEX 4500 Series

The LC-MS/MS workhorse, intelligently re-engineered.
Redesigned from the foundation of our industry standard triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, the 4500 Series introduces a new era of LC-MS/MS performance defined by fast, precise quantitation and ultra-fast scan speeds. The system is ideal for UHPLC, and with available QTRAP technology you get better data, and more of it, than you can achieve using basic multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) on an ordinary triple quad system.


• Quantitative and qualitative sensitivity to detect low concentration analytes in challenging  matrices
• Dynamic range to see low to high concentration levels
• Scan speed to clearly resolve similar analytes
• Ionization source flow range for liquid chromatography flexibility
• Uniquely designed to occupy less of your valuable lab space

