1. ♦Menbere Leul Mekonnen ,C. H. Chen, Minoru Osada c, Wei-Nien Su b,⁎, Bing-Joe Hwang "Dielectric nanosheet modified plasmonic-paper as highly sensitive and stable SERS substrate and its application for pesticides detection ",Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy., 2020
      2. ♦ H. C. Chen, C. H. Chen, C. S. Hsu, T. L. Chen, M. Y. Liao, C. C. Wang, C. F. Tsai, H. M. Chen, “In Situ Creation of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Active Au−AuOx Nanostructures through Electrochemical Process for Pigment Detection”, ACS Omega, 2018, Accepted.
      3. T. E. Hsieh, T. W. Yang, C. Y. Hsieh, S. J. Huang, Y. Q. Yeh, C. H. Chen, E. Y. Li, Y. H. Liu, “Unraveling the Structure of Magic-Size (CdSe)13 Cluster Pairs”, Chem. Mater., 2018, Accepted.
      4.  M. L. Mekonnen, C. H. Chen, W. N. Su, B. J. Hwang, “3D-functionalized shell isolated Ag nanocubes on miniaturized flexible platform for sensitive and selective SERS detection of small molecules”,Microchemical Journal, 2018, Accepted.
      5. TA. Berhe, J. H. Cheng, W. N. Su, C. J. Pan, M. C. Tsai, H. M. Chen, Z. Yang, H. Tan, C. H. Chen, M. H. Yeh, A. G. Tamirat, S. F. Huang, L. Y. Chen, J. F. Lee, Y. F. Liao, E. H. Sargent, H. J Dai, B. J. Hwang, “Identification of physical origin behind disorder, heterogeneity, and reconstruction and their correlation with photoluminescence lifetime in hybrid perovskite thin film”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, 5, 21002-21015.
      6.  L. Y. Chen, C. H. Chen, Y. S. Kuo, “Nanoarchitecture’s Infulence On Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopy”, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine2017Accepted.
      7. ♦ Y. T. Yin, H. M. Lin, C. C. Wang, M. H. Chou, S. J. Chou, Y. S. Kuo, D. H. Kim, L. Y. Chen, C. H. Chen*, “Nano Spectroscopy Imaging Techniques”, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine2017Accepted.
    1. Di-Yan Wang, Chuan-Yu Wei, Meng-Chang Lin, Chun-Jern Pan, Hung-Lung Chou, Hsin-An Chen, Ming Gong, Yingpeng Wu, Chunze Yuan, Michael Angell, Yu-Ju Hsieh, Yu-Hsun Chen, Cheng-Yen Wen, Chun-Wei Chen, Bing-Joe Hwang6, Chia-Chun Chen, Hongjie Dai, “Advanced rechargeable aluminium ion battery with a high-quality natural graphite cathode”, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 2017, 8:14283.
    2. ♦  M. J. Tan, Z. Y. Hong, M. H. Chang, C. C. Liu, H. F. Cheng, X. J. Loh, C. H. Chen, C. D. Liao, K. V. Kong, “Metal Carbonyl-Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates for Highly Sensitive SERS Detection of Organophosphorus Pesticides”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, Accepted.
    3. ♦ Ya-Sen Sun, Chien-Fu Lin, Shih-Ting Luo, Ching-Yuan Su “Block-Copolymer-Templated Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nanostructures with Nitrogen-Rich Functional Groups for Molecular Sensing”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, Accepted.
    4. ♦ Ya-Sen Sun, Chien-Fu Lin, Shih-Ting Luo, “Two-Dimensional Nitrogen-Enriched Carbon Nanosheets with Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering”, Phys. Chem. C, 2017, 121, 14795−14802.
    5. ♦ T. J. Wang, B. W. Chena, P. K. Chena, C. H. Chen, “Er/Si interdiffusion effect on photoluminescent properties of erbium oxide/silicon oxide films deposited on silicon”, Journal of Luminescence, 2017, 192, 1065–1071.
    6. ♦ H. Y. Chang, Y. T. Tseng, Z. Yuan, H. L. Chou, C. H. Chen, B. J. Hwang, M. C. Tsai, H. T. Chang, C. C. Huang, “The effect of ligand–ligand interactions on the formation of photoluminescent gold nanoclusters embedded in Au(I)–thiolate supramolecules”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, Accepted.
    7. ♦ T. Gong, Z. Y. Hong, C. H. Chen, C. Y. Tsai, L. D. Liao, K. V. Kong, “Optical Interference-Free Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering CO-Nanotags for Logical Multiplex Detection of Vascular Disease-Related Biomarkers”, ACS Nano, 2017, Accepted.
    8. ♦ Y. Y. Lai, H. S. Chang, S. C. Hsu, Y. C. S. Wu, C. H. Chen, “The study of wet etching on GaN surface by potassium hydroxide solution”, Res Chem Intermed, 2017, 43:3563–3572.
    9. ♦ A. Purwidyantri, H. Chen, L. Y. Chen, C. C. Chen, J. D. Luo, C. C. Chiou, Y. C. Tian, C. Y. Lin, C. M. Yang, H. C. Lai, C. S. Lai, “Speckled ZnO Nanograss Electrochemical Sensor for Staphylococcus epidermidis Detection”, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2017, 164 (6): B205-B211.
    10. ♦ M. C. Wu, C. H. Chen, W. K. Huang, K. C. Hsiao, T. H. Lin, S. H. Chan, P. Y. Wu, C. F. Lu, Y. H. Chang, T. F. Lin, K. H. Hsu, J. F. Hsu, K. M. Lee, J. J. Shyue, K. Kordas, W. F. Su, “Improved Solar-Driven Photocatalytic Performance of Highly Crystalline Hydrogenated TiO2Nanofibers with Core-Shell Structure”, Scientific Reports,2017, 7:40896.
    11. ♦ N. M. Kha, W. N. Su, C. H. Chen, J. Rick, B. J. Hwang, “Highly sensitive and stable Ag@SiO2 nanocubes for label-free SERS-photoluminescence detection of biomolecules”, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2017, 175, 239-245
    12. ♦ H. C. Chen, H. W. Yang, K. H. Yang, C. H. Chen, C. C. Houe, Y. M. Tu, “Facile preparation of electroactive graphene derivative and its potential application in electrochemical detection”, Sensors and Actuators B, 2017, 240,1153-159.
    13. ♦ J. C. Wang, K. P. Chang, C. T. Lin, C. Y. Su, F. Günes, M. Boutchich, C. H. Chen, C. H. Chen, C. S. Chen, L. J. Li, C. S. Lai, “Integration of ammonia-plasma-functionalized graphene nanodiscs as charge trapping centers for nonvolatile memory applications”, Carbon, 2017, 113, 318-324.
    14. ♦ H. Sutiono, H. M. Chen, C. H. Chen, W. N. Su, L. Y. Chen, H. Dai, B. J. Hwang, "Facile synthesis of [101]-oriented rutile TiO2 nanorod array on FTO substrate with a tunable anatase-rutile heterojunction for efficient solar water-splitting", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4, 5963-5971.
    15. ♦ C. M. Lung, W. C. Wang, C. H. Chen, L. Y. Chen, M. J. Chen, “Core/Shell Al2O3@ZnO nanorods arrays as excellent antireflection layer in silicon solar cells”, Mater. Chem. & Phys., 2016, 180, 195-202.
    16. ♦ H. C. Wu, T. C. Chen, J. H. Wu, C. H. Chen, J. F. Lee, C. S. Chen, “The effect of an Fe promoter on Cu/SiO2 catalysts for improving their catalytic activity and stability in the water-gas shift reaction”, Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016, 6, 6087-6096.
    17. C. H. Chen, C. J. Pan,W. N. Su,L. S. Sarma, C. C. A. Andra, H. S. Sheu, D. G. Liu, J. F. Lee, B. J. Hwang, “Unravelling surface composition of bimetallic nanoparticles”, ChemCatMat., 2016, 2, 117-124.
    18. ♦ H. C. Chen, F. D. Mai, B. J. Hwang, M. J. Lee, C. H. Chen, S. H. Wang, H. Y. Tsai, C. P. Yang, Y. C. Liu, “Creation of Electron-doping Liquid Water with Reduced Hydrogen Bonds”, Scientific Reports,2016, 6:22166
    19. ♦ A. Purwidyantri,C. H. Chen, B. J. Hwang, J. D. Luo, C. C. Chiou, Y. C. Tian, C. Y. Lin, C. H. Cheng, C. S. Lai, “Spin-coated Au-nanohole arrays engineered by nanosphere lithographyforaStaphylococcus aureus 16S rRNA electrochemical sensor”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016, 77, 10861094
    20. ♦ T. A. Berhe, W. N. Su, C. H. Chen, C. J. Hsiang, C. J. Pan, H. M. Chen, L. Y. Chen, B. J. Hwang, “Organic-inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Solar Cells: Degradation and Stability”, Energy & Environmental Science, 2016, 9, 323-356.
    21. ♦ Kalimuthu Vijayarangamuthu, Seungbae Ahn, Hyungtak Seo, Sang-Hee Yoon, Cheol-Min Park, Ki-Joon Jeon, “Temporospatial Control of Graphene Wettability”, Mater., 2015, DOI: 10.1002/adma.201503444.
    22. ♦ H. Y. Shih, M. Shiojiri, C. H. Chen, S. F. Yu, C. T. Ko, J. R. Yang, R. M. Lin, M. J. Chen, “Ultralow threading dislocation density in hetero-epitaxial InGaN/GaN LEDs on near strain-free GaN compliant buffer layer”, Scientific Reports,2015, 5:13671.
    23. ♦ A. A. Dubale, C. J. Pan, A. G. Tamirat, H. M. Chen, W. N. Su,C. H. Chen*, J. Rcik, D. W. Ayele, B. A. Aragaw, J. F. Lee, Y. W. Yang, B. J. Hwang, “Heterostructured Cu2O/CuO decorated with nickel as a highly efficient photocathode for photoelectrochemical water reduction”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 12482-12499.
    24. ♦ C. H. Chen*, C. J. Pan, W. N. Su, J. Rick, C. J. Wang, M.Venkateswarlu, J. F. Lee, B. J. Hwang, “Operando X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Absorption Studies of the Structural Transformation upon Cycling Excess Li Layered Oxide Li[Li1/18Co1/6Ni1/3Mn4/9]O2 in Li Ion Batteries”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 8613-8626.
    25. ♦ Y. J. Wu, C. H. Liao, Y. S. Wei, C. Y. Hsieh, P. M. Lee, Y. S. Liu, C. H. Chen, C. Y. Liu, “Local Electronic Structures and Polarity of ZnO Nanorods Grown on GaN Substrates”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119, 5122-5128.
    26. ♦ N. M. Kha, C. H. Chen*, W. N. Su, J. Rick, B. J. Hwang, “Improved Raman and Photoluminescence Sensitivity Achieved Using Bifunctional Ag@SiO2 Nanocubes”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2015, 17, 21226-21235.
    27. ♦ H. C. Chen, Y. M. Tu, C. C. Hou, Y. C. Lin, C. H. Chen, K. H. Yang, “Direct electron transfer of glucose oxidase and dual hydrogen peroxide and glucose detection based on water-dispersible carbon nanotubes derivative”, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2015, 867, 83-91.
    28. ♦ L. Y. Chen, C. H. Chen, W. H. Chang, S. C. Hsu, S. H. Chuang, “Yarn-ball-like Tungsten Oxide Nanowires Synthesized via Solvothermal Process”, Mater. Chem. & Phys., 2014, 148, 1089-1094.
    29. ♦ Y. C. Lin, C. H. Chen, L. Y. Chen, S. C. Hsu, Shizhi Qain, “Enhanced insulation of wide-range spectrum in the PVA/N doped ZnO nanowires thin film”, RSC Advance, 2014, 4, 45419-45424.
    30. ♦ A. A. Dubale, W. N. Su, A. G. Tamirat, C. J. Pan, B. A. Aragaw, H. M. Chen, C. H. Chen, B. J. Hwang, “Synergetic effect of graphene on Cu2O nanowire arrays as highly efficient hydrogen evolution photocathode in water splitting”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2, 18382-18397.
    31. ♦ C. S. Chen, Y. T. Lai, T. C. Chen, C. H. Chen, J. F. Lee, C. W. Hsu, H. M. Kao, “Synthesis and characterization of Pt nanoparticles with different morphologies in mesoporous silica SBA-15 for methanol oxidation reaction”, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 12644-12654.
    32. ♦ C. H. Chen, W. N. Su, S. Hy, C. J. Pan, M. C. Tsai, J. Rick, B. J. Hwang, “Raman Scattering Surface Signal Enhancement: Induced by Au@SiO2 core-shell Nanoclusters and Nanorods”, IEEE Nanotechnology Magazine, 2014, 8(3), 29-36.
    33. ♦ T. T. B. Quyen, W. N. Su, C. H. Chen, J. Rick, J. Y. Liu, B. J. Hwang, “Novel Ag/Au/Pt trimetallic nanocubes and their application in trace molecular detection by surface-enhanced Raman scattering”, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2014, 2(34), 5550-5557.
    34. ♦ J. H. Cheng, C. J. Pan, C. Nithya, R. Thirunakaran, S. Gopukumar, C. H. Chen, J. F. Lee, J. M. Chen, A. Sivashanmugam, B. J. Hwang, “Effect of Mg doping on the local structure of LiMgyCo1─yO2 cathode material investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy”, J. Power Sources, 2014, 252, 292-297.
    35. ♦ C. S. Chen, Y. T. Lai, T. W. Lai, J. H. Wi, C. H. Chen, J. F. Lee, H. M. Kao, “Formation of Cu Nanoparticles in SBA-15 Functionalized with Carboxylic Acid Groups and Their Application in the Water−Gas Shift Reaction”, ACS Catal., 2013, 3, 667-677.