Israel's NANONICS is the industry's leading brand that combines near-field optical microscope (NSOM) technology and atomic force microscope (AFM) technology, and is one of the most experienced companies in this category of products. Coupled with its strong system integration capabilities, all material characterization analysis is integrated on one experimental platform, and the following types of imaging analysis experiments can be performed immediately or simultaneously including:
★ Confocal Imaging
★ Thermal couple Imaging
★ Thermal Resonance Imaging
★ Electrical Conductance
★ Kelvin Probe Microscopy
★ Magnetic Force Microscopy
★ Electrical Force Microscopy
★ Scanning Electr0-Chemical Microscope (SECM)
★ AFM-Raman
★ Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering (TERS)
★ SEM-AFM Combination

The MultiView 2000TM series is an advanced single probe scanning probe microscope enabling a variety of modes of AFM/SPM/NSOM imaging. Nanonics has designed The MultiView 2000TM for excellence in scanning probe microscopy while allowing for near-field and far-field optical NSOM/AFM Raman/TERS imaging without perturbation. The Multiview 2000TM is the only commercially available instrument that offers both tip and sample scanning. This versatility is important for different operation modes where the user can now choose whether the sample or tip is static. The Multiview 2000TM further offers the most stable feedback mechanism available in the form of normal force feedback with tuning fork actuation. This feedback mechanism offers the most stability, as well as laser-free operation for the most sensitive experiments.
The MV 2000TM product brochure can be downloaded here.
Designed for Ease-of-Use andFlexibility
Dual sample and tip scanning stages in the same head for ultimate flexibility is coupled with an optically friendly Nanonics 3D Flat ScanTM stage providing up to 85μ in X, Y and Z or 170μ in X, Y and Z using combined scanners. This scanner is also suitable for large samples with unconventional geometries. Closed loop is an option for positioning accuracy of 20nm.
Additionally, a revolutionary, alignment-free feedback system provides the most sensitive tip-sample stability. Normal force feedback with tuning fork actuation provides no alignment, laser-free operation for improved optical signal to noise ratio, and ultra-sensitive force spectroscopy perfect for force and adhesion measurements.
Read more for more information and details about tuning fork feedback
Largest Commercially Available Z Range
The large, 85μ X, Y and Z-range of the Nanonics 3D FlatscanTM makes it ideal for optical sectioning in confocal imaging. Used in this way, the MultiView 2000TM integrates conventional far-field imaging, confocal microscopy, AFM, and near-field optics in a single system
Excellent SPM platform compatible with wide variety of probes
Nanonics provides a wide variety of probes that are compatible with the MultiView 2000TM, including: transparent, cantilevered probes, thermal probes, electrical probes (electrochemical probes, coax probes, glass insulated wire probes) and all third party silicon probes
Any Optical Configuration
The unique geometry of the MultiView 2000TM head and cantilever probes leaves the optical axis free both above and below the sample for integration with upright, inverted, and dual optical microscope configurations.
Irregular Sample Size Compatibility
Irregular sample sizes, whether odd in shape or large in size, can be easily placed on the sample stage.
The sample can even be suspended from the unobstructed flat scanning sample stage in order to examine the edges of the sample.